The Treatments Success

 Upon termination from the hospital ward, the patient smiled. Her demeanor was much calmer and more serene than when she was admitted, which was under severe stress. Therefore, I noticed many behavioral changes in both the patient and in me during the course of her stay. For example, when the woman first entered the hospital, she was completely tense. She had trouble sleeping and did not know how to communicate her needs to the nurses without becoming upset. She also had trouble eating during the initial phase of her treatment. However, during the course of treatment, she grew to trust me and the doctors and she became more relaxed. Her memory remains severely impaired, but she seems more present and aware of her surroundings. Before her discharge, the patient was eating regularly, sleeping better, and was more outgoing and talkative. The behavioral changes she exhibited were therefore positive all around. I also perceived some behavioral changes within myself as the result of working with the patient. Because I was a little nervous at first, I was also acting tense and anxious. I did not talk to the patient very much when she was first admitted. However, immediately before discharge, we were talking frequently. During the course of our treatment, I found myself spending more time by her side and touching her hand more. Communication became easier, as I was more willing to open up to her and ask her questions. Therefore, both our behaviors became more relaxed.

The main short and long-term goals for the patient were ensuring her safety and well-being. As with more trauma victims, she needed both mental and physical safety nets. We were able to provide her with the sense of safety during the course of her stay at the hospital. She was isolated from potentially harmful influences outside the hospital and was not in any physical danger. Being attended to by nurses and doctors, her long-term safety was also being cared for, because she was offered medications and a sound course of treatment.

Because our main objective was to provide for the patient”s safety, my most effective nursing duties involved providing for the patient”s safety, comfort, and well-being. Included in our treatment plan were orders to keep the patient well-fed, as well as reducing the number of external stimuli that might agitate her. The nature of her trauma demanded that she remain in as peaceful an environment as possible and also receive nutritious meals. Her treatment outcome was positive as the result of fulfilling these obligations.

Communication improved over the course of treatment. The most effective communications techniques I used included directness and honesty. For example, if I had any doubts or concerns, I asked the patient what she needed. However, I also respected the patient”s need for silence and privacy. I also tried to listen to her as best I could even when she was not communicating effectively. While I could still use some improvements in nonverbal communication, I saw a dramatic improvement in the way I was able to decode some of the patients”s nonverbal cues and also become more adept at communicating my feelings and thoughts using appropriate and non-threatening nonverbal cues such as effective body language and facial expressions.

During the termination phase, I was able to analyze and critically examine my performance. I don”t think I would have done much differently. By the time I terminated my position, she exhibited huge progress on physical and psychological levels. She was eating properly and smiling. Next time, I will be more confident as a result of this experience. The client expressed similar positive emotions even though her impaired mental functioning meant that she might not have been completely cognizant of the fact that I was leaving. The patient had some memory problems that meant that her conception of time was different than mine. However, she showed no signs of emotional distress.

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