Job as a Pharmacy Technician

    Preparing for a career as a Pharmacy Technician involves extensive training, good

communication skills, and a willingness to work with the public.

A pharmacy technician, also called a pharmacy technologist, pharmacy medication

technicians, or pharmacy assistants, provide technical assistance for registered

pharmacists and work under their direct supervision. They usually work in a chain or

independent drug stores, hospitals, community ambulatory care centers, home health care

agencies, nursing homes, and in the pharmaceutical industry. They perform a wide range

of technical support functions and tasks relating to the pharmacy profession. They

maintain patient records, count, package, and label medication doses; prepare and .

distribute sterile products; and fill and dispense routine orders for stock supplies such as .

over-the-counter products. Pharmacy technicians work under the direct supervision of .

licensed pharmacist, their work is subject to quality-control checks to ensure accuracy.

High school students interested in the pharmacy tech career should take courses.

in mathematics, science (especially chemistry and biology), and English. Also, in

addition courses in speech, typing, computer science, and health will also be useful. Any

extracurricular activities such as drama, science clubs, or other activities, will help in

developing communications and interpersonal skills. Most pharmacy technicians receive.

their education through formal training programs offered through community colleges,

vocational/technical schools, hospital community pharmacies, and government programs.

The length of the program usually ranges from 6 months to two years, leading to a

certificate, diploma, or an associates degree in pharmacy technology. A high school.

a diploma is usually required for entry into these programs. On a personal level, pharmacy.

technicians must be precision-minded, honest, and mature as they are very much.

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