What is the correlation between socializing and obesity?

What is the correlation between socializing and obesity?

What is the correlation between socializing and obesity?

We all know that there are a lot of factors that contribute to obesity, and we can’t ignore the fact that social norms and practices have a huge impact on our health. That’s why it’s so important that we take a closer look at the ways socializing affects our decisions when it comes to food, as well as our physical activity levels.

As this study shows, you’re more likely to eat out if you’ve been socializing with friends. This is not only because eating out is often part of a night out (or an afternoon of shopping or a movie), but also because social time tends to involve parties and get-togethers where food is served. And this study suggests that eating out is linked to an increase in weight gain in adults.

Furthermore, it’s important to recognize that even if you’re not eating out specifically for the purpose of socializing, being with other people often means you’re less likely to engage in physical activity. If you’re at work, with your kids, or hanging out with your friends, you probably won’t be breaking into a jog or getting in some crunches. This can easily lead to a sedentary lifestyle—and we all know how dangerous that can be!

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