The evolution of mild anxiety to depression without treatment

The evolution of mild anxiety to depression without treatment

The evolution of mild anxiety to depression without treatment

We all experience mild anxiety at some point in our lives. Whether it’s dreading a big presentation at work, facing an upcoming exam, or just feeling a little stressed out about your Christmas shopping list, anxiety is something that most of us deal with on a regular basis.

When you’re anxious, you might experience symptoms like:

– Difficulty concentrating

– Feeling on edge or nervous

– Feeling easily irritable or annoyed

– Pounding heart or chest pain

– Difficulty falling asleep or staying asleep

– Muscle tension

– Restlessness

If you are experiencing these symptoms for more than 6 months, you may have generalized anxiety disorder. In fact, approximately 3% of people suffer from GAD. What’s important to note is that GAD can be treated—and it should be. If left untreated, GAD can evolve into depression, which is one of the leading causes of disability worldwide. Depression affects people differently; some common signs that someone may be depressed include:

– Loss of interest in activities they used to enjoy

– Feelings of hopelessness and/or helplessness

– Lack of energy or motivation to do things they need to do (like work)

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