
Identify a potential individual who has been living in a culture other than the one of origin for at least 2 years. This individual must be born outside the United States. The individual can be a patient, friend, or colleague, such as a physician, or acquaintance, but cannot be a relative. The individual must be living in your community and must be currently receiving or have previously received healthcare services in your community. The individual’s race, ethnicity, language, religion, and culturally based beliefs about healthcare and illness should be quite different from yours. The individual must speak your language. An interpreter is not permitted for the actual assessment, which occurs in Milestone 3 (Week 6).

Note: This is the same individual for whom you will develop verbal assessment questions in Milestone 2 and whom you will ask those questions in Milestone 3 and then reflect on your learning about the Course Project and the assessment.

Individuals can come from a variety of settings. Recent immigrants, migrant workers, exchange students, international students, long-term care residents, refugees, coworkers, physicians, patients, employees at local ethnic businesses, religious venues, community centers, and individuals who have recently moved to your community are some suggestions. The individual does not need to be a healthcare worker but must have received healthcare services in the country of origin as well as since arriving in the United States. Speak with the individual, and obtain permission to conduct an assessment later in the course.

Fill in information about the potential individual using the template.

Example: KC was born in Hwidiem, Ghana, a small village in Africa, where he did not graduate from high school. He is 72 years old. He immigrated to the United States at age 28 and has lived in Grove City near Columbus, Ohio since then. Hwidiem is considered the provincial capital (fill in information about the community or city as you can find). He was married but divorced after a traumatic brain injury. Since then, he has had many part-time jobs and studies his Bible faithfully. Grove City is a town in Ohio (fill in information about the city or community). Currently, he receives healthcare for his hypertension control. I met him 3 years ago at a senior citizens’ center where I volunteer.

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