Kevin a 42-year-old man seeking treatment for marital issues

Kevin a 42-year-old man seeking treatment for marital issues

Kevin a 42-year-old man seeking treatment for marital issues

This is when a nurse moves an object, such as a tissue box, to a more accessible location so that the patient can self-administer necessary care.

Throughout the interview, the PMHNP employs a variety of interventions. The nurse, for example, acts in a sympathetic manner. Another example is when the PMHNP, in reaction to Kevin’s weeping, brings a box of tissues toward him. This is known as a reassuring intervention.

The nurse can use a variety of interview facilitating interventions to improve the patient’s comfort and sense of safety in the environment. One of these is giving the patient a box of Kleenex. Kevin expressed his gratitude for the PMHNP’s offer by saying that his tears were not a sign of weakness, but rather a profound emotion of trying to hide his sorrow, suffering, rage, and frustration. This is an illustration of:

Kevin may have sensed something like this as the PMHNP moved a box of Kleenex toward him.

As Kevin’s tears fall, the PMHNP approaches him with a box of tissues and makes a brief speech about tissues being available in the box if he needs them. This is an example of a supporting nonverbal communication intervention.

During the discussion with Kevin, a 42-year-old man seeking treatment for marital issues,

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