KAREN seen in the emergency room after a brutal sexual assault and was referred to mental health care

KAREN seen in the emergency room after a brutal sexual assault and was referred to mental health care

KAREN seen in the emergency room after a brutal sexual assault and was referred to mental health care

KAREN is a 19-year-old woman who was seen in the emergency room after a brutal sexual assault and was referred to mental health care. Our new case study, which includes a realistic pop-up homework assignment that helps you build clinical insight into this enigmatic client, Karen, will open your door to the world of mental health care. a sexual attack that is violent

The diagnostic domain of PTSD, according to the DSM-IV-TR, is divided into four subtypes, each of which is defined by recollections of the traumatic event as well as behavioral, cognitive, and physiological responses. Re-experiencing the experience (dissociative amnesia, flashbacks), Avoidance of stimuli related to the trauma, Negative cognitions and mood related to the trauma (e.g., helplessness, humiliation, guilt), and Hyperarousal are the four categories. Karen, for example, is experiencing flashbacks to the assault, which are causing her bodily discomfort. She is avoiding situations that are connected with the trauma, such as crowds or working late. She is experiencing a lack of control over her environment as a result of her perception that she is seeing the assault. Negative cognitions about herself or others as a result of this encounter, such as shame or guilt, should be another symptom she should be experiencing. a sexual attack that is violent

Feeling disconnected from oneself and watching oneself in a distant manner, resulting in feelings of estrangement or unreality, is one of the most sensitive criteria for acute stress disorder (ASD). This detachment can manifest as a generalized feeling that the world looks or feels different, or that one is seeing the world through the eyes of another. Sexual assault that is violent.

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