HR models in a health care organization

HR models in a health care organization

HR models in a health care organization

Select one or two of the following HR models and describe under what organizational circumstances these models could be successful in a health care organization: clerical model, control model, industrial relations model, legal model, consulting model, and financial model. Select one or two models.

There are a variety of HR models that can be employed in organizations, but some are going to be more successful depending on the circumstances of the organization and its goals. In health care, for example, it may make sense to use the financial model or the consulting model, whereas in a retail setting, it may make more sense to use the clerical model or the legal model.

For example, if a health care organization is trying to increase its profits and improve patient satisfaction, they might benefit from using the financial model. The financial model focuses on cost-benefit analysis and bottom lines. It’s an effective way to measure how much something is costing and how much revenue it’s bringing in. This can be helpful when an organization wants to decide whether or not they want to add new staff members or expand their services.

The consulting model is also effective in health care organizations because it provides a fresh perspective without being emotionally invested in the outcome. This can help organizations see what’s working well and what needs improvement with objectivity.

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