HCA 322 Week 4 Discussion 1

HCA 322 Week 4 Discussion 1

HCA 322 Week 4 Discussion 1, Emergency Room Operations for Daily Care

The Steps of Care

Triage is the process of determining the severity of a patient’s condition. Patients who are in life-threatening circumstances are addressed right away. As a result, some patients may receive medical attention before you, even if they arrived at the ED after you.


The registration process is required for two reasons: it allows the ED staff to gather information for your patient record, and it assists us in obtaining your permission to treatment. Both are required for your doctor to schedule diagnostic testing and determine the best course of therapy for you.


A nurse or technician may take blood or urine samples or refer you for an X-ray or other imaging test before you see a doctor. Doctors may also order emergency blood testing. The results of your tests aid emergency room doctors in determining your health. The results may be available in one to two hours while you are in the emergency room.


After receiving your test results, an ED physician or mid-level practitioner will reassess your situation since the data may provide them with more insight into the sort of therapy you require.


When a patient is discharged, he or she is given written instructions for home care. The instructions explain how to care for your wound or illness properly, as well as how to take prescribed medications and get follow-up medical care. It’s critical to comprehend all directions completely.

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