Factors affecting vulnerability and assessment of needs

This week’s second discussion forum will focus on two selected groups:

  • Vulnerable mothers and children
  • People affected by alcohol and substance abuse

Review the video segments titled “Premature Babies: Risks and Costs”  and “Social Cost of Alcohol Abuse”

  • For each segment, select three specific factors from Chapter 2 (e.g., age, gender, culture, ethnicity, education, and income) that are present.
  • Reflecting on your experiences and knowledge gained in previous courses, discuss how these factors relate to the group’s vulnerability.
  • Based on the selected factors, assess the health care needs that can be inferred for each group.
  • Discuss which approach(es) to care from Chapter 4, Section 4.1 (i.e., preventive, treatment, or long term), might help address them.
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