Developmental Norms for Young Adults.

Examine your cultural values about developmental norms for young adults.


Cultural groups typically have clearly defined expectations for when certain social events should occur.  Some of these expectations may be clearly stated, while other  expectations are unspoken. Reflect on your own beliefs about when a  young adult should achieve the following transitions into adulthood:

  • Moving into his or her own housing, separate from parents
  • Securing a stable career or obtaining formal education
  • Achieving financial independence
  • Getting involved in a serious romantic relationship
  • Getting married or cohabiting
  • Having children
  • Other transitions you consider important
  1. What cultural values shape your beliefs?
  2. How would you know whether  you have stepped outside a cultural norm with regard to the social  clock?
  3. Does a specific developmental theory support your personal views  of healthy development for a young adult?
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