RSSCategory: Essay

Graduate Level Case Study And Journal

| July 19, 2018

Journal  Imagine that you are working as part of a team, either at work or in your personal life. What are some team building activities that you would like to see occur within your team? Do you believe that such team building activities are valuable in creating team unity? Why, or why not? Your journal […]

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Key Parts of Empirical Articles

| July 19, 2018

Using the information from this unit’s introduction, the text readings, and the annotated bibliography pages from the Capella Writing Center, prepare an annotated summary for each of the empirical studies that you located in this unit. This will serve as the start of a complete annotated bibliography, if you choose to create one. An annotated […]

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Public Health Discussion ” Designing Qualitative Research”

| July 19, 2018

1 PAGE APA NOT INCLUDING MIN 3 REF Typically, when speaking of validity, qualitative researchers are referring to research that is credible and trustworthy, i.e., the extent to which one can have confidence in the study’s findings (Lincoln & Guba, 1985). Generalizability, a marker of reliability, is typically not a main purpose of qualitative research […]

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Millon Clinical Multiaxial Inventory-IV (MCMI-IV).

| July 19, 2018

Create a PowerPoint presentation of 16-18 slides for the Millon Clinical Multiaxial Inventory-IV (MCMI-IV).Address and include the following in your PowerPoint: A title, introduction, and conclusion slide What is the MCMI-IV and what does it measure? What are the legal and ethical requirements for a professional to administer, interpret, and/or report the results of an […]

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Stress Management and Spirituality

| July 19, 2018

Is there a connection between stress management and spirituality? Can one identify their stress, manage it and connect with their own spirituality? Decide how you think it is important to manage stress. Is it important for your health? How will you create a balance in our fast-paced society? Describe and recommend three strategies that help […]

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| July 18, 2018

Compete the “Bereavement Across the Life Span” worksheet. APA style is not required, but solid academic writing and a title page is expected. You are not required to submit this assignment to Turnitin. This assignment meets the following CACREP Standards: 2.F.3.h: A general framework for understanding differing abilities and strategies for differentiated interventions. 2.F.3.i: Ethical […]

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Adulthood Discussion

| July 18, 2018

Adulthood Discussion The subjects of retirement and health insurance are much in the news these days. Discuss your plans for retirement with a special emphasis on income after retirement and health insurance. After a lifetime of paying Social Security and Medicare taxes in every payroll check, your grandparents and parents are counting on having Social […]

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Psy630: Week 1 – Assignment Select A Topic For Your Critical Review

| July 18, 2018

Select the topic for your Critical Review, which is due in Week Six,  and briefly analyze its key features and pathophysiology. You may select  from any of the following psychiatric disorders: schizophrenia (or  schizotypal disorders), bipolar disorder, depression, any of the anxiety  disorders, PTSD, chronic pain disorders, Alzheimer’s disease,   Parkinson’s disease or other movement disorder, […]

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Assumptions About Human Behavior

| July 18, 2018

Select one of the schools of thought from the readings for this week  (physiology, experimental psychology, voluntarism, structuralism,  functionalism, Gestalt psychology and other early approaches). Discuss  your chosen school of thought in terms of these four attributes: Principles: Rules and standards associated with the school of thought. Values: Core beliefs, ideals, and priorities that distinguish […]

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Assignment PP-Organizational Behavior Management

| July 18, 2018

Your manager has asked you to make a presentation to management and staff to provide more information about Organizational Behavior Management and how fundamental principles of behavior can be used in the organization. Shoreside is skeptical that the same principles they use with their clients could be applied to staff within the organization. Using what […]

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