RSSCategory: Essay

Qualitative And Quantitative Research

| July 24, 2018

Select and read one of the following articles, located in the Topic 4 materials: The Role of Faculty Mentors in the Research Training of Counseling Psychology Doctoral Students The Career Development of Mexican American Adolescent Women: A Test of Social Cognitive Career Theory Write a 500-750-word analysis of your selected article. Include the following in […]

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Topic And Research Design Presentation And Rationale

| July 24, 2018

Interactive Assignment Topic and Research Design Presentation and Rationale Prior to beginning work on this interactive assignment, it is recommended that you review the recommended resources for this week as they will assist you in the creation of an effective presentation of your Research Design. This interactive assignment will provide you with an opportunity to […]

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Developmental Psychology Research Designs

| July 24, 2018

In developmental psychology, the focus of research is often to examine change over time. Developmental psychologists have some special research designs that allow them to accomplish this. Two such research designs are the cross-sectional design and the longitudinal design. A cross-sectional design measures different groups of people of different ages at the same time. A […]

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Working With Children and Adolescents

| July 24, 2018

Working With Children and Adolescents: The Case of Dalia Dalia is a 14-year-old, biracial female of African and Irish American descent who resides with her parents in a middle-class suburb. She is the youngest of three children and is currently the only child remaining in the home. Dalia’s parents have been married for 25 years. […]

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The Modern Conflict Theory Perspectives Of Mills And Berger

| July 24, 2018

This assignment, write an essay (500-750 words) analyzing the ideas of Mills and Berger. Cite two to four sources from the GCU library and address the following in your essay: Explain the modern conflict theory perspectives of Mills and Berger in regards to your selected social problem. Analyze the strengths and weaknesses of the ideas […]

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| July 24, 2018

DB 7A Part I: Read and reply to the following questions with a minimum of 5 sentences: 1.  Aristotle breaks with Plato and believes that there are not such things as the Forms or Eidos which are permanent and eternal and Real. Real for Aristotle are those that are physical and tangible. Do you agree […]

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Outline A Personal Approach To Leadership Consistent With An Analysis

| July 24, 2018

For this assignment, write an analysis in which you address the following: Explain your preferred leadership approach. Use the process improvement that you selected for your organization and demonstrate how, if at all, your preferred leadership approach would have resulted in a different response from your leader POC and from the approach you identified as ideal. […]

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Race and Racism

| July 24, 2018

Final Writing Assignment For this paper, you will identify an example or depiction of a race issue or racism in the media (movies, TV, Netflix), the news, popular culture, or from a personal experience. Your assignment is to find a film, television show, news report, story, book, or any media that features a depiction of […]

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Intercultural Exploration Paper

| July 24, 2018

Objectives: Schedule an interview with someone from another culture for this assignment. Instructions Assignment Files Grading This assignment requires that you have an intercultural interaction with someone from a culture different than your own. Choose someone from another culture (not someone from another region, age, etc.). You are responsible for reading about the culture in […]

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The Rise Of Nonprofits

| July 24, 2018

Explain and evaluate how the concepts of charity, philanthropy, and welfare affect and influence fundraising strategies for nonprofit organizations. Evaluate how sociological principles of community, religion, morals, ethics, and peer influence impact both the way people give and the way nonprofits develop and raise funds. Explain the relationship between an organization’s mission and vision and […]

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