Can alcohol affect your bone marrow?

Can alcohol affect your bone marrow?

Can alcohol affect your bone marrow?

Yes. Bone marrow is the spongy tissue that fills the cavities of your bones and produces red and white blood cells, as well as platelets. This means that alcohol can affect your bone marrow in the same ways that it affects the rest of your body. Alcohol can cause problems with your bone marrow’s ability to produce new blood cells, which can lead to anemia or a weakened immune system. Alcohol can also impact how well your bone marrow absorbs calcium, so too much alcohol over a long period of time may lead to a weaker skeleton and an increased risk of injury and disease.

Alcohol can also cause fatty deposits to build up on your liver, which makes it harder for your liver to produce proteins that are important for blood clotting. This can increase the risk of bleeding and bruising after injury or surgery.

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