Benefits of a capital item
IHP 450 Module Five Journal Rubric
Prompt: Your consulting work with the physician’s group in Module Three earned you rave reviews and now your boss has asked you to put your skills to work in support of a local community health center. As the Assistant to the CFO you have been tasked with preparing a public statement on the justification of purchasing the electronic medical record. After explaining the benefits of the EMR and making suggestions for ways the benefits can be determined, write a memo to the community health center’s Board of Directors that uses your determinations to justify the purchase of the EMR. Refer to the mini-case on page 304 of the textbook. Create a journal assignment that:
● Explains the benefits of the electronic medical records system (EMR) ● Explains the ways the benefits can be estimated
● Includes a written memo to the community health center’s board of directors that justifies the purchase of the EMR
Critical Elements Exemplary (100%) Proficient (85%) Needs Improvement (55%) Not Evident (0%) Value
Benefits of the EMR Assignment provides a thorough explanation of benefits that are clearly related to the EMR
Assignment provides an explanation of benefits that are related to the EMR
The explanation of benefits is incomplete and/or the relationship to the EMR is not clear for some of the suggested benefits
Assignment does not list benefits of the EMR
Ways the Benefits Can Be Estimated
Assignment suggests multiple, appropriate ways in which the benefits can be estimated
Assignment suggests multiple ways in which the benefits can be estimated, however some of the suggestions are not appropriate
Assignment suggests only one way in which the benefits can be estimated
Assignment does not suggest ways in which benefits can be estimated
Memo: Justification Memo provides a well- supported justification based on sound cost-benefit reasoning and is exceptionally clear and concise
Memo provides a well- supported justification based on sound cost-benefit reasoning
Justification is not well- supported, and/or the cost- benefit reasoning is not sound
Assignment does not use cost- benefit to justify the EMR
Memo: Writing (Mechanics/Citations)
No errors related to organization, grammar and style, and citations
Minor errors related to organization, grammar and style, and citations
Some errors related to organization, grammar and style, and citations
Major errors related to organization, grammar and style, and citations
Earned Total 100%
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