Author Archive: Yvonne M

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Polio; Known as Poliomyelitis

| August 10, 2018

Polio, also known as poliomyelitis, is a contagious viral illness that produces no symptoms in ninety-five percent of cases. While a plague to the human race for centuries, polio was never the devastating scourge that other diseases, such as bubonic plague and smallpox, were. Then, in the early 20th century, polio came into its own, […]

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Chickenpox a Highly Contagious Disease

| August 10, 2018

  Chickenpox is a highly contagious disease that is caused by a herpesvirus called varicella-zoster virus (7). Chickenpox is one of the most easily transmitted of contagious diseases (5). Ninety to ninety-five percent of the people exposed to the virus will develop it within twenty-one days (5). The term chickenpox came from chickpea, which is a […]

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The Right Way of Treating Cancer

| August 10, 2018

            During a shower one day you notice a lump that was not otherwise there. The lump you have identified is diagnosed as cancer. Now you need to figure out what to do. There is no absolute cure for cancer, but there are different ways to treat it. One treatment is traditional from by seeing a […]

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Surgical Treatments in Cancer

| August 10, 2018

             It includes a large group of varied disorders that share major traits. The first sign of cancer is an enlargement of the area. The tumor then infects other cells near it, and if it’s really advanced, these cells may break away from the tumor and spread cancer throughout your body. Although many people believe […]

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Symptoms of Mononucleosis Disease

| August 10, 2018

 Mononucleosis is a disease caused by the Epstein-Barr virus (EBV), which is a member of the herpes family. The herpes family also includes viruses that cause cold sores, chickenpox, genital herpes, and birth defects (7). Mono, short for mononucleosis (3) “gets its name from the fact that it causes a person”s white blood cells to […]

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Infectious Disease In Developing Countries

| August 10, 2018

Today, more people are at risk of infectious diseases than at any other time in history. Infectious diseases are a worldwide problem requiring worldwide attention. Infectious diseases can weaken the strength of a nation’s resources. In developing nations, this poses even a greater threat. Diseases are threatening the economic stability of many developing nations. 50,000 […]

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Critical Health Concerning AIDS Life-threatening Effect

| August 10, 2018

The disease called aids is becoming very widespread in the United States. In the following paragraphs, the answers to this question will be answered. Aids is the final, life-threatening stage of infection with a human immunodeficiency virus (HIV). Aids stands for Acquired immunodeficiency virus syndrome. The name refers to the fact that HIV severely damages […]

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Soaring Rate of Adolescent AIDS Infection

| August 10, 2018

Growing up as a teenager in today”s society is not as easy as it may have been in generations past. Young adults of today’s era face many social and environmental issues that plague them with immense stress. For example, violence among youth and, more specifically, school shootings and gang violence strike fear among every adolescent”s […]

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The Abortion Methods, Reasons and Effects of Abortion

| August 9, 2018

Do you think that abortion is the same thing as murdering your own child? People have argued this question for centuries. In 1996, there were 30 abortions for every 1,000 women aged 15-19 (“Teen” 1). I think abortion should be against the law because it”s harmful to the mother and it kills the baby. I […]

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Fibrocystic Breasts

| August 9, 2018

No plagiarism, please. Will need a minimum of 150 words for each response, APA Style, double-spaced, times new roman, font 12, and Include: (1 reference for each response within years 2015-2018) with in-text citations. Peer resp. #1 Fibrocystic change is categorized as a benign breast problem. Symptoms of fibrocystic change include breast tenderness, swelling, pain, […]

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