Author Archive: Yvonne M
The Study of Human Brain and Imagination
The human mind is considered by scientists to be the most complicated structure in the universe. Weighing a mere four pounds, the brain and how it functions is still not entirely understood. Indeed, very little progress has been made on the workings of the human brain. Aside from neurons and pathways, however, is the deeper […]
Aging and Disease as Caused by Mitochondria
Mitochondria are the powerhouse of the cell. Their sole responsibility is to provide energy for the cell. They do this by synthesizing a molecule known as ATP, which the cell uses as energy. Mitochondria are different from the rest of the cell organelles because they contain their own DNA outside the nucleus. Mutations in this […]
An Article on Implantation of Animal Parts For Medical Cures
At the beginning of the article, it mainly talked about a woman who had a stroke and was paralyzed on the entire left side of your body. No one ever expected her to ever walk again. Two years later she not only walks but runs for short distances. Her only lingering impairment is a paralyzed […]
PSY 331 Psychology Of Learning Wk4-D1
Constructivism Constructivists suggest that a person’s reality is unique from others and thus, effects what, how, and how effective knowledge is acquired. This is suggested to be affected by numerous variables such as culture, past experiences, and past knowledge. Consider the following as you discuss: What does logical positivism suggest to us about constructivist-based theories? […]
Alzheimer’s Disease: The Degeneration of the Brain
Alzheimer’s, the disease of the degeneration of the brain, was identified in 1907 by German physician Alois Alzheimer. Four million Americans suffer from the disease which deprives the victim of the ability to remember, think, reason, and eventually coordinate movement. This most common form of dementia is caused physically by the gradual change in nerve […]
Qualitative And Quantitative Research
Select and read one of the following articles, located in the Topic 4 materials: The Role of Faculty Mentors in the Research Training of Counseling Psychology Doctoral Students The Career Development of Mexican American Adolescent Women: A Test of Social Cognitive Career Theory Write a 500-750-word analysis of your selected article. Include the following in […]
The Brain-Behavior Relationship
Compose a post of 1-2 paragraphs The brain is made up of an estimated 100 billion neurons, and each neuron can have thousands of connections to other neurons. Additionally, there are an estimated 10 times the number of glial cells (support cells) as there are neurons, leading to an extremely complex system of communication in […]
Topic And Research Design Presentation And Rationale
Interactive Assignment Topic and Research Design Presentation and Rationale Prior to beginning work on this interactive assignment, it is recommended that you review the recommended resources for this week as they will assist you in the creation of an effective presentation of your Research Design. This interactive assignment will provide you with an opportunity to […]
Developmental Psychology Research Designs
In developmental psychology, the focus of research is often to examine change over time. Developmental psychologists have some special research designs that allow them to accomplish this. Two such research designs are the cross-sectional design and the longitudinal design. A cross-sectional design measures different groups of people of different ages at the same time. A […]
Working With Children and Adolescents
Working With Children and Adolescents: The Case of Dalia Dalia is a 14-year-old, biracial female of African and Irish American descent who resides with her parents in a middle-class suburb. She is the youngest of three children and is currently the only child remaining in the home. Dalia’s parents have been married for 25 years. […]