Author Archive: Mary courtney

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Choking Prevention and Dysphagia Diets

| February 21, 2019

Prepare a minimum of 20 slide PowerPoint presentation about choking prevention and dysphagia diets:Slides must include definition of terms,incidence of choking among developmental disabilities individual. Eating and swallowing processes. Factors contributing to higher incidence among the above mentioned population. Dysphagia diet and different diet consistency with educative video references Get a 10 % discount on […]

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Common Dimensions of Data Quality

| February 21, 2019

Create a Power Point Presentation that describes data quality characteristics by researching four articles on data quality.  Describe the five common dimensions of data quality and how EHR data is used as a source of longitudinal data for population studies. Your presentation should meet the following structural requirements: Be 7-8 slides in length, not including […]

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Nursing Care Facilities in your Community

| February 21, 2019

Research the different nursing care facilities in your community. Discuss the pros and cons of the facility in terms of what they offer. Provide a brief report with the following questions: • What is the basic rate for room, board, and services (it’s a good idea to get this information in writing)? • What services […]

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Mechanics of Breathing

| February 21, 2019

Two-week-old Tabitha has infant respiratory distress syndrome. Eighty-year-old Anthony has emphysema, and 50-year-old Jenny has pulmonary fibrosis. a. Why are the mechanics of breathing greatly compromised in all these cases? Get a 10 % discount on an order above $ 100 Use the following coupon code : NRSCODE Order Now

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Disease Prevention and Management

| February 21, 2019

Explain how nutrients affect disease prevention and management. Make your answer specific with examples. Link the nutrient or nutrients you discuss to a condition. (For example, vitamin C deficiency is linked to scurvy. Note: you may not use this example). For full credit, you must provide at least three examples of how nutrient levels can […]

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Advanced Practice Registered Nurses

| February 21, 2019

Address the following in a 1- to 2-page paper: Explain the definition and scope of practice for APRNs according to the Nurse Practice Act in your state. Identify the state board that is responsible for licensure of APRNs. Identify the DEA Drug Schedule categories approved for APRN prescribing in your state. Explain whether this might […]

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War on Drugs

| February 21, 2019

We have been fighting the war on drugs for years. We have spent billions and billions of dollars in our efforts within this country and in other countries. What is your opinion of how we are doing in the war on drugs?Are we winning? Are we losing? Should drugs be legalized? Which ones? We are seeing marijuana become […]

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Cultural Globalization

| February 21, 2019

1.While the sovereign state remains an important concept in law and politics, some argue that globalization challenges the notion of state sovereignty. Evaluate this claim. How does globalization affect the ability of states to control and direct their own affairs? Are the changes brought about by globalization to be welcomed or to be feared? 2.Examine […]

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Strategic Organizational Communication

| February 21, 2019

Write a 850 -word case study analysis of “The Power of Rewards at Industrial International” located in Ch. 3 of Strategic Organizational Communication in a Global Economy. Answer the following questions: What does strategic organizational communication mean? What organizational structure did the company in the case study have? Centralized or decentralized? What are some of […]

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Cultural Competency

| February 21, 2019

Describe, in 300 words or less, how you plan to understand, communicate with and effectively interact with all of your students and their families in order to successfully teach all of your students. MLA format Get a 10 % discount on an order above $ 100 Use the following coupon code : NRSCODE Order Now

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