Author Archive: Ken
Problems of excessive meat consumption
Problems of excessive meat consumption PROBLEM Nowadays, meat consumption is becoming an uncontrollable problem. As a result of high consumption, different kinds of issues occurred. It is possible to sum these issues up in two major groups as health and environment. Red meat consumption linked to increase risk of total, cardiovascular, and cancer mortality. Meat […]
Practice Nurses Role in Treating Chlamydia
Practice Nurses Role in Treating Chlamydia The practice nurses role in treating chlamydia and improving the sexual health of the nation Introduction Chlamydia treatment has been the focus of considerable research interest in the past few years. A huge proportion of what used to be called NSU, or was even undiagnosed non-specific pathology, is […]
Organic Food: Types and Benefits
Organic Food: Types and Benefits What do you mean by organic? (Why is organic important for both moms and kids?) In today’s adultered world, nothing is pure. Everything has some adulteration and it is all done to increase the quantity and make more money. Thereby it also reduces the quality of the food and the […]
Nurse prescribing by community nurses
Nurse prescribing by community nurses Introduction This assignment analyses a recent (i.e., not older than 5 years) development in community nursing practice for adults. The assignment picks one area of the community nurses’ role and explores the impact of that role on patient care. The role that will be analysed is nurse prescribing. The assignment […]
Negative Effects of Fast Food
Negative Effects of Fast Food Fast Food – The Recipe for Death What if I told you that these French fries that you are happily devouring will lead you to your death in 10 years? You will for sure consider me insane. Here are some real statistics to prove my point: according to The Telegraph, […]
Measurement of Lying and Standing Blood Pressure
Measurement of Lying and Standing Blood Pressure Introduction This report aims to discuss the best practice on the measurement of a lying and standing blood pressure. In addition to this; formulate a search strategy to provide the best evidence based practice. Doctor David Sackett defines evidence based practice as; “The conscientious, explicit and judicious use […]
Lung Functions and Control of Breathing
Lung Functions and Control of Breathing ABSTRACT : The importance of oxygen for human body can neither be under nor over estimated and this “essential for life” function of oxygen delivery to body cells is performed by the RESPIRATORY SYSTEM through the process of BREATHING. Not only has this, breathing helped body get rid of the […]
Link Between Obesity and Social Class
Link Between Obesity and Social Class Numerous studies and reports over the past 40 years (Marmot, 2010; Acheson, 1998; DEFRA) have identified social patterning in levels of obesity. Results in the UK have shown a growing trend among women from low-income households and obesity. Income along with other social factors influences food choice. There is widespread […]
Just Culture in Nursing
Just Culture in Nursing An Approach that is Right and Just for the Philippine Nursing System Nursing has always been regarded as a “humanistic science” since it has evolved from experience to science. Anchored by altruistic motives, nurses perform nursing care to patients with tact and prudence; otherwise patients’ safety is jeopardized. Hence, it is […]
International Obesity Health Risks and Policies
International Obesity Health Risks and Policies Obesity as the major health risk for the population of the Republic of Nauru – Causes and Impact The world’s smallest independent Republic Nauru, which is located in the South Pacific Ocean, set a distressing record of being one of the countries with the highest obesity rates. About 71.1 […]