Attention Deficit/ Hyperactivity Disorder

Attention Deficit/ Hyperactivity Disorder.

According to the DSM IV, Attention Deficit/ Hyperactivity is defined as a persistent pattern of inattention and/or hyperactivity-impulsivity that is more frequent and severe than is typically observed in individuals at a comparable level of development. Some of there symptoms of inattentiveness and hyperactivity must have been present before age seven, however, most people are not diagnosed until years later although the symptoms have been present. In order to be correctly diagnosed with ADD, there must be impairment in at least two areas of life, at home and at school or work. There should be clear evidence of interference with developmentally appropriate social, academic, or occupational functioning.

The symptoms related to this disorder include failure to give close attention to detail, making careless mistakes in schoolwork or other tasks. Their work is usually messy and thrown together with very little thought. These individuals find it difficult to sustain attention in tasks or play activities and find it hard to stick to a task until completion. They often do not follow through on requests or instructions. It’ll appear as if their mind is somewhere else entirely or as if they simply aren’t listening to what was said. They may frequently shift from one uncompleted task to another. Tasks that are thought to require mental effort are seen as extremely unpleasant. These individuals typically avoid activities that require close concentration. As for work habits they are often disorganized, materials needed are scattered or possibly lost. People with this disorder are easily distracted by irrelevant and trivial noised that others can easily ignore, such as car honking or background conversations. In social situations, the inattention will be seen infrequent changing of conversations or not listening. Hyperactivity is noticed by fidgetiness or squirming in one’s seat, not remaining seated when supposed to, running around in inappropriate situations. They will talk excessively and might also have a hard time playing quietly or being part of a leisure activity.

Hyperactivity may vary depending on age. Although most toddlers and preschoolers are very active, children with this disorder differ from normal active kids. They are constantly on the go and they get into everything. They run and jump on furniture and can’t sit to listen to a story being read. School-age children have similar symptoms but they aren’t as frequent or severe as that of the toddlers. They often fidget with objects, shake their feet tap on things just to keep moving. They will also talk excessively and make a lot of noise during quiet activities. In adults, these symptoms of hyperactivity turn into feelings of restlessness.

Some children with Attention Deficit Disorder experience significant problems socializing with peers and cooperating with authority figures. This is because when children have difficulty maintaining attention during a conversation with an adult, they may miss important parts of a conversation. This often will result in the child not being able to follow instructions due to not listening in the first place. In this case, the child is not being disobedient though they may be labeled as so. When giving directions to Attention Deficit children it is important to have them repeat the directions to make sure they have received them correctly. For younger children, the directions should consist of only one or two steps. For older children, more complicated instructions should be given in writing. Children with poor attention and concentration often miss important aspects of social interaction with their peers; they have trouble fitting in. They need to focus on how the other children are playing with each other and try to behave similarly. These kids often enter a group of kids and upset the play session. As they bombproof their ability to attend and concentrate they can be coached on how to play appropriately with other children.

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