Assignment: Apply a person-centered approach 

Assignment: Apply a person-centered approach – verification

Assignment: Apply a person-centered approach

Task 3: Apply a person-centred approach – verification

For this task, you need to demonstrate that you apply a person-centred approach when supporting a person and have this verified.

Complete all written tasks in this assessment before asking your verifier to complete the verification form.

The verifier is likely to be your assessor, manager, supervisor or team leader. This must be a person who has observed your work over a period of time and can confirm that you complete the tasks to the standard required. Your assessor may contact your verifier to discuss their comments.

Read the checklist so you know what is being verified.

1 Complete the table below with details of how you apply a person-centred approach

Provide a specific example of how you have applied the following person-centred values:

Continued next page

Individuality –

Rights –

Choice –

Privacy –

Independence –

Dignity –

Respect –

Partnership –

Consent –

2) Give an example of feedback you have received. If possible include a positive and negative feedback example.

3) What changes (if any) have you made to your support as a result of the feedback provided?

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