Secondary Analysis and Historical Research Assignment

Secondary Analysis and Historical Research Assignment

Secondary Analysis and Historical Research Assignment

Our reading assignment for our class this week will involve:

Chapter 16 – Internet, Secondary Analysis and Historical Research

Chapter 17 – Intervention

Your class participation is the basis for grading of this requirement. Please note that I am actively going through everyone’s phrase three written assignments. Thank you for your continued diligence in our course.

Under chapter 16 this week, we will explore topics such as incorporating the internet for your research, revisiting participant testing as well as interviewing. Ethical concerns, historical research, and its appraisal.

In review of chapter 17, intervention in research will be explained. As per our text, not all research involves an intervention. Frequently, interventions are seen within improvement projects frequently completed in DNP programs. At this phase of research, the principle investigator interacts with their research team. Documentation stems from the methodology section.

Investigating the internet in research, please know and understand the following.

Internet-based research method refers to any research method that uses the Internet to collectdata. Most commonly, the Web has been used as the means for conducting the study, but e-mail has been used as well. The use of e-mail to collect data dates back to the 1980s while the first uses of the Web to collect data started in the mid-1990s. Whereas e-mail is principally limited to survey and questionnaire methodology, the Web, with its ability to use media, has the ability to execute full experiments and implement a wide variety of research methods. The use of the Internet offers new opportunities for access to participants allowing for larger and more diverse samples.

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