NSG6005 Week 10 Assignment 2 Final


1. Question :

The drug recommended as primary prevention of osteoporosis in men over seventy years is:

Alendronate (Fosamax)

Ibandronate (Boniva)

Calcium carbonate

Raloxifene (Evista)

Question 2. Question :

Alterations in drug metabolism among Asians may lead to:

Slower metabolism of antidepressants, requiring lower doses

Faster metabolism of neuroleptics, requiring higher doses

Altered metabolism of omeprazole, requiring higher doses

Slower metabolism of alcohol, requiring higher doses

Question 3. Question :

Some research supports that testosterone replacement therapy may be indicated in which of the following diagnoses in men?

Age-related decrease in cognitive functioning

Metabolic syndrome

Decreased muscle mass in aging men

All of the above

Question 4. Question :

The chemicals that promote the spread of pain locally include _________.




neurokinin A

Question 5. Question :

The DEA:

Registers manufacturers and prescribes controlled substances

Regulates NP prescribing at the state level

Sanctions providers who prescribe drugs off-label

Provides prescribers with a number they can use for insurance billing

Question 6. Question :

The trial period to determine effective anti-inflammatory activity when starting a patient on aspirin for RA is _____.

forty-eight hours

four to six days

four weeks

two months

Question 7. Question :

The route of excretion of a volatile drug will likely be:

The kidneys

The lungs

The bile and feces

The skin

Question 8. Question :

Compelling indications for an ACE inhibitor as treatment for hypertension based on clinical trials include:


Renal parenchymal disease

Stable angina


Question 9. Question :

The American Diabetic Association has recommended which of the following tests for ongoing management of diabetes?

Fasting blood glucose

Hemoglobin A1c

Thyroid function tests


Question 10. Question :

The angiotensin converting enzyme (ACE) inhibitor lisinopril is a known teratogen. Teratogens cause Type ____ ADR.





Question 11. Question :

The goals of therapy when prescribing HRT include reducing:

Cardiovascular risk

Risk of stroke or other thromboembolic event

Breast cancer risk

Vasomotor symptoms

Question 12. Question :

Patients who have angina, regardless of class, who are also diabetic should be on:


Beta blockers

ACE inhibitors

Calcium channel blockers

Question 13. Question :

The New York Heart Association and the Canadian Cardiovascular Society have described grading criteria for levels of angina. Angina that occurs with unusually strenuous activity or on walking or climbing stair after meals is:

Class I

Class II

Class III

Class IV

Question 14. Question :

Patients with allergic rhinitis may benefit from a prescription of:

Fluticasone (Flonase)

Cetirizine (Zyrtec)

OTC cromolyn nasal spray (Nasalcrom)

Any of the above

Question 15. Question :

Kyle has Crohn’s disease and has a documented folate deficiency. Drug therapy for folate deficiency anemia is:

Oral folic acid 1 to 2 mg/day

Oral folic acid 1 gm/day

IM folate weekly for at least six months

Oral folic acid 400 mcg daily

Question 16. Question :

The treatment for vitamin B12 deficiency is:

1,000 mcg daily of oral cobalamin

2 gm/day of oral cobalamin

100 mcg/day vitamin B12 IM

500 mcg/dose nasal cyanocobalamin two sprays once a week

Question 17. Question :

Nonadherence is especially common in drugs that treat asymptomatic conditions, such as hypertension. One way to reduce the likelihood of nonadherence to these drugs is to prescribe a drug that:

Has a short half-life so that missing one dose has limited effect

Requires several dosage titrations so that missed doses can be replaced with lower doses to keep costs down

Has a tolerability profile with less of the adverse effects that are considered “irritating,” such as nausea and dizziness

Must be taken no more than twice a day

Question 18. Question :

Type II diabetes is a complex disorder involving:

Absence of insulin production by the beta cells

A suboptimal response of insulin-sensitive tissues in the liver

Increased levels of GLP in the postprandial period

Too much fat uptake in the intestine

Question 19. Question :

Metformin is a primary choice of drug to treat hyperglycemia in type II diabetes because it:

Substitutes for insulin usually secreted by the pancreas

Decreases glycogenolysis by the liver

Increases the release of insulin from beta cells

Decreases peripheral glucose utilization

Question 20. Question :

Gender differences between men and women in pharmacokinetics include:

More rapid gastric emptying so that drugs absorbed in the stomach have less exposure to absorption sites

Higher proportion of body fat so that lipophilic drugs have relatively greater volumes of distribution

Increased levels of bile acids so that drugs metabolized in the intestine have higher concentrations

Slower organ blood flow rates so that drugs tend to take longer to be excreted

Question 21. Question :

If not chosen as the first drug in hypertension treatment, which drug class should be added as the second step because it will enhance the effects of most other agents?

ACE inhibitors

Beta blockers

Calcium channel blockers


Question 22. Question :

A nineteen-year-old male was started on risperidone. Monitoring for risperidone includes observing for common side effects, including:

Bradykinesia, akathisia, and agitation

Excessive weight gain


Potentially fatal agranulocytosis

Question 23. Question :

Levetiracetam has known drug interactions with:

Oral contraceptives



Few, if any, drugs

Question 24. Question :

When the total daily insulin dose is split and given twice daily, which of the following rules may be followed?

Give two-thirds of the total dose in the morning and one-third in the evening.

Give 0.3 units/kg of premixed 70/30 insulin, with one-third in the morning and two-thirds in the evening.

Give 50% of an insulin glargine dose in the morning and 50% in the evening.

Give long-acting insulin in the morning and short-acting insulin at bedtime.

Question 25. Question :

Which of the following factors may adversely affect a patient’s adherence to a therapeutic drug regimen?

Complexity of the drug regimen

Patient’s perception of the potential adverse effects of the drugs

Both A and B

Neither A nor B

Question 26. Question :

The time required for the amount of drug in the body to decrease by 50% is called:

Steady state


Phase II metabolism

Reduced bioavailability time

Question 27. Question :

Drugs that are absolutely contraindicated in lactating women include:

Selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors

Antiepileptic drugs such as carbamazepine

Antineoplastic drugs such as methotrexate

All of the above

Question 28. Question :

Tobie presents to clinic with moderate acne. He has been using OTC benzoyl peroxide at home with minimal improvement. A topical antibiotic (clindamycin) and a topical retinoid adapalene (Differin) are prescribed. Education of Tobie would include which one of the following instructions?

He should see an improvement in his acne within the first two weeks of treatment.

If there is no response in a week, he should double the daily application of adapalene (Differin).

He may see an initial worsening of his acne that will improve in six to eight weeks.

Adapalene may cause bleaching of clothing.

Question 29. Question :

Martin is a sixty-year-old with hypertension. The first-line decongestant to be prescribed would be:

Oral pseudoephedrine

Oral phenylephrine

Nasal oxymetazoline

Nasal azelastine

Question 30. Question :

A woman who is pregnant and has hyperthyroidism is best managed by a specialty team that will most likely treat her with:



Radioactive iodine.

Nothing; treatment is best delayed until after her pregnancy ends.

Question 31. Question :

A twenty-four-year-old male received multiple fractures in a motor vehicle accident that required significant amounts of opioid medication to treat his pain. He is at risk for Type __ ADR when he no longer requires the opioids.


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