Making Major Changes
The e Text describes various types of strategies that can be used by organizations. These strategies include:
- Growth or expansion strategies.
- Concentrate resources strategies, for increased leverage.
- Diversification strategies to expand services or products in unrelated areas.
- Retrenchment or reduction of products and services strategies:
(a) Retrenchment by way of a turnaround or downsizing.
(b) Retrenchment by way of divestiture or selling parts.
(c) Retrenchment thru liquidation or closure/bankruptcy.
- Stability strategies via maintaining current operations.
- Cooperation strategies through collaboration partnerships.
- Strategic partnerships with other organizations with mutual interests.
- Outsourcing alliances by purchasing services.
Do a little research and find a health care organization that followed one of these strategies. Tell us about the organization, the strategy that they followed, the outcome that they hoped for and whether this strategy was successful. If the strategy was not successful, tell us why you think it was not successful and what you think might have been a better strategy.
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