Insulin Delivery System Paper

Insulin Delivery System Paper

Insulin Delivery System Paper

People often say: ”I have a low blood sugar and need to eat something.” This is attributed to insulin production. Common misconceptions may suggest that diabetics are the only victims that deal with insulin, when in fact all mammalians unknowingly deal with insulin production on a daily basis.Insulin Delivery System Paper Every form of glucose that the body takes in must be processed into a form that the body can use. One may think of insulin as a key that unlocks sugars (glucose). Without insulin, an accumulation of glucose builds up within the bloodstream, which inhibits energy production. Without insulin unlocking the sugars, the body is forced to find other energy sources; in laymen’s terms the body eats itself. In our current society, Type 2 Diabetes is becoming more prevalent. As obesity is on the rise, so is its positive correlation with Type 2 Diabetes. This condition, having been in the spotlight, has made way for more research about insulin, insulin production, and how to avoid this life-changing disease.
Insulin is a hormone that is produced within the pancreas. The pancreas contains three types of cells: α, β, and σ (Striegel, Hara, and Periwal 1). Alpha cells (α) produce a hormone called glucagon. Glucagon is the antidote of insulin, which means its function is not to decrease blood sugar levels, but to bring blood sugar levels back to normal. Beta Cells (β) secrete insulin. Insulin Delivery System Paper The delta cells (σ), which produce somatostatin, regulate both insulin and glucagon to stabilize the body’s energy amounts. According to Striegel, Hara and Periwal (2015), researchers from the Laboratory of Biological Modeling at the National Institute of Health in Bethesda, Maryland, and the Department of Medicine at the University of Chicago, these types…

New Medications & Methods of Insulin Delivery {text:bookmark-start} {text:bookmark-end} DIABETES RESEARCH PAPER Pharmacology 8 a.m. New Medications & Methods of Insulin Delivery APA 1 Kelsie Marie Hargrays St. Cloud Technical College Abstract {text:bookmark-start} {text:bookmark-end} The research I did was on new medications and methods of insulin delivery. I researched a few new medications that help treat type 1 & 2 diabetes. I also researched about new methods of delivery and found many different methods however, some of them have not yet made it on the market yet. Another thing I found while conducting my research is that these two topics I have advantages and disadvantages as well which is just another thing …show more content…Insulin Delivery System Paper
Of course, the miracle would be an insulin pill. Unfortunately, insulin pills get broken down during the digestion process which means it never makes it into the bloodstream. My research calcified that currently there are no new methods of insulin delivery. Furthermore there are many methods being engineered as we speak. Some of those methods are Inhaled Insulin, Buccal Insulin (oral spray), Insulin Patch, Artificial Pancreas, and the miracle Insulin Pill. During the clinical study participants were administered insulin through a device similar to an asthma inhaler and most patients needed one to three inhalations for any given dose. Out of those study participants who received inhaled insulin experienced mild to moderate coughing which decreased in severity as the study continued. The patients on inhaled insulin also reported a higher quality of life and greater satisfaction with their treatment. On the contrary there are some disadvantages to this new delivery system as well.

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