How do you think trauma-informed care affects your patients

How do you think trauma-informed care affects your patients

How do you think trauma-informed care affects your patients and their health outcomes?

Trauma-informed care is important to me as a healthcare professional because it provides me with a framework for understanding the unique needs of each patient. I also believe that it allows my patients to feel more comfortable during their time in my care, which helps to improve their outcomes.

In particular, trauma-informed care allows me to gain a clearer picture of what is going on for each patient and helps me to address the non-physical elements that may be contributing to their health issues. This can include stress resulting from relationships or work, family dynamics, etc. It’s not always possible to fully treat an illness when multiple factors are affecting it, so this framework allows me to take a more comprehensive approach.

Treating people who have experienced traumatic events can be difficult. They may trust very few people and may not be comfortable addressing certain topics with you. By taking an approach that is informed by the effects of trauma, I am able to develop relationships with my patients that allow them to feel more comfortable talking about difficult things with me, which helps them get a better handle on the issues they are facing and improves their overall health outcomes.

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