CWV 101 Week 4 Assignments
Mark 8:29 Worksheet
Please address each question below with complete sentences and clear, specific explanation. The total word count of your writing should be between 750-1,250 words.
1. Select one teaching of Jesus from one of the following Bible verses: Matthew 5:21-24, Matthew 5:43-48, Matthew 6:19-24, Matthew 7:15-23, Luke 15:1-32, John 13:1-17 & 34-35, John 15:1-11. Answer the following questions:
a. What was Jesus’ point in the teaching?
b. What sort of relevance does this teaching have for other worldviews?
c. What does this teaching reveal about Jesus?
2. Identify at least one claim that Jesus made about His nature and/or the purpose of His ministry (such as Mark 2:1-12, Matt 9:9-13, Luke 7:18-23, John 5:16-18, John 10:25-38, John 14:5-11). What is the significance of this claim?
How would you personally answer Jesus’ question, “But who do you say that I am?” Describe your own beliefs about Jesus
As we begin Week 1, the module is focused on developing an interview format that provides you with questions/responses that you will use in your work-ups and diagnostic assessments or some call them Psychiatric H & P. By now, you have seen many different formats and ways that providers conduct interviews.
For this document, I encourage you to think of your personal style as well as assure that all relevant information is collected in the first interview. Do not use a template that you find online or that your preceptor uses in the office. The purpose of this assignment is for you to think through how you interview patients. There are many examples online to use as a guide. The key elements are similar to a medical H &P, HPI, PPH, PMH, FH, SH, ROS (psychiatric), MSE, Clinical Assessment and Formulation, Diagnosis, and Plan. This will be your ‘bread and butter’, so to speak for your entire career. It is worth spending some time and effort on this. If you put in a canned template, I will not accept your work.
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