Category: Essay
Who Is A Clinical Nurse Specialist
Clinical Nurse Specialist (CNS) is a registered nurse who holds a master’s or doctoral degree in nursing with expertise in a clinical nursing speciality; uses in-depth knowledge and skills, advanced judgement and clinical experience in a nursing speciality to assist in providing solutions for complex health care issues (CNA, 2008). This is an era of revolution; the […]
The Nurse Self Disclosure Nursing Essay
Nurse Self-Disclosure In nursing there are many boundaries that one must not cross. Self-disclosure is the easiest and most often crossed by nurses today. There are different types of nurse self-disclosure: deliberate, unavoidable and accidental. Deliberate nurse self-disclosure can lead to confuse patients and may strain nurse patient relationship. Patients may feel burdened by the […]
The Theoretical Basis Of Advanced Practice
Rebekah Reed Chamberlain College of Nursing NR501: Theoretical Basis of Advanced Practice Fall 2012 Application of Theory Nursing communication has an important role in patient behavior such as anxiety, compliance with care, and patient satisfaction, I chose to apply Orlando’s theory to resolving communication problems and to promote a patient-nurse relationship that will help create […]
The Background Of Nursing Profession
There are many fields and professions and it expanding day by day. Out of these professions some are considered very relaxed and some are very difficult and stressful. Nursing is a profession which needs lots of personal commitment and time, due to the nature of the profession, where patients care is priority. I think it […]
The History Of Bioimpedance Spectroscopy Nursing Essay
To determine the hydration state, clinical (pedal edema, interdialytic weight gain, ultrafiltration rate or blood pressure) or paraclinical (inferior vena cava diameter and its collapsibility index, relative plasma volume monitoring) surrogate parameters are used. A new method, which uses bioimpedance spectroscopy, defines objectively the individual hydration state on the basis of an individual’s normal extracellular […]
Time Management And Personal Audit
Introduction Professional development is a system to support the work experience. Through the professional development I am able to understand my own skill and build a plan to development. This plan of development helps me achieve my aim and personal objectives this planning helps me to identify the proper skill which is very important to […]
Nursing Leadership And Management
NURSING LEADERSHIP AND MANAGEMENT 3 There is a big difference between leadership and management. A nurse leader may be involved in designing a new procedure, or challenging the ethics of a new institutional policy. She or he may also consult with the patient, or the patient’s family regarding the most effective way to administer treatments. […]
Clinical Environment Regarding Teaching Practice Nursing Essay
The purpose of this assignment is to critically analyze current theories used within the clinical environment regarding teaching and learning practices. It will also incorporate underpinning principles of mentorship, assessment, reliability and validity, as well as factors which influence judgment. This will be achieved by undertaking formal and informal teaching sessions within the clinical practice. […]
The Shannon And Weaver Mathematical Model Of Communication
The Shannon and Weaver mathematical model of communication (1949) consisted of five key stages; an information source produces a message, this is then encoded into signals by a transmitter, which also sends the message through a channel, the medium through which the message is sent to the receiver, which then decodes the signal and reconstructs […]
The Concept Of Chronic Pain
INTRODUCTION A fundamental challenge in medicine is the concept of chronic pain (Smith et al., 1999). The International Association for the Study of Pain (IASP) defines pain as “an unpleasant sensory and emotional experience associated with actual or potential tissue damage, or described by the patient in terms of such damage” (H., 1979). This is […]