Category: Essay
Euthanasia and Doctor-Assisted Suicide
EUTHANASIA An eighty-seven-year-old grandmother on a respirator, a newborn child with AIDS, and a father in a coma; all put to death by respectable doctors with the O.K. of their families. But is it really O.K.? Euthanasia, or doctor-assisted suicide, has become as common as jumping off of a fifteen story building or taking a […]
The Elderly in Assisted Living Homes
There are millions of elderly people living in nursing homes or assisted living facilities in our country. All of these people have lived a rich life and have a lot of experience that young people can only imagine. Sadly, many people in our elderly population have been abandoned by their families because they have become […]
How to Write a Nursing Essay
Getting Started – The Planning Phase The key to success when writing a nursing essay is the detail applied when planning the piece. It is essential to create a clear and robust essay structure, taking into account all of the learning outcomes expected of the finished piece. As well as understanding the essay title it […]
The Universal Health Care
Universal Healthcare Explained As people near the end of there lives old age begins to shed its ominous light over every aspect of life. As people enter the twilight years of there lives, earlier than anyone should, they are faced with failing health and no way to pay the doctor bills. The fact that someone who […]
Single Mother Primary Care versus Secondary Care
The Working, Single Mother Primary Care versus Secondary Care Comparing its structure and function as it was in 1960 with what it had become in 1990 can highlight the dramatic changes in the American family. Until 1960 most Americans shared a common set of beliefs about family life; family should consist of a husband and wife […]
Evidence-based Practice in Wound Cleansing
This essay defines the concept of evidence-based practice and discusses the importance of evidence-based practice for professional practice. The essay also selects an aspect of practice that is relevant to adult nursing, namely the use of water vs. saline for wound cleansing, provides a rationale for choosing that aspect within the context of evidence based […]
Effectiveness of Oxygen Therapy for Cardiac Problems
Oxygen therapy is the administration of oxygen at a higher concentration than that of ambient air. The main intention of this process is to either treat or prevent the symptoms and manifestations of hypoxia. Oxygen therapy decreases the work of breathing by increasing alveolar oxygen tension. As an essential part of clinical practice, oxygen therapy […]
Assessing Muscoskeletal Pain
Patient Information: XX, 15yo, Male S. CC: “Dull pain, both knees” HPI: Location: Both knees (would ask him to point to the exact location) Onset: NA (would ask if onset was sudden or gradual, was he doing an activity when it occurred) Character: Dull, catching, clicking Associated signs and symptoms: NA (would ask if the […]
Generalizing Study Results
Generalizability is the extent to which research findings from your sample population can be applicable to a larger population. There are many best practices for ensuring generalizability. Two of those are making sure the sample is as much like the population as possible and making sure that the sample size is large enough to mitigate the […]
Methods Of Measuring
Discussion: Methods of Measuring The center point of research studies is the body of data collected to answer the research question. These data must be measured, which is the act of taking an abstract concept (e.g., depression, anger, etc.), sorting them out and quantifying them in some cohesive way in order to construct meaning—but how […]