Bedside rounding with the interdisciplinary team

Bedside rounding with the interdisciplinary team

In your role as a case manager you have the opportunity for bedside rounding with the interdisciplinary team on your unit.

In your role as a case manager you have the opportunity for bedside rounding with the interdisciplinary team on your unit. In preparing for the week’s team rounds you need to prepare information to present a case summary and plan of care to the interdisciplinary team on your newly admitted client with a positive genetic test result. You look forward to the opportunity to advocate for your client and value the holistic approach that the interdisciplinary team supports.

Create a written case summary that details an evidence-based interprofessional comprehensive holistic plan of care based on expected genetic and genomic assessment findings for client with a positive genetic test results.

Include the following related to the chosen genetic condition:

Details pertaining to expected genetic and genomic assessment findings and diagnostic results
Ethical considerations including a potential ethical dilemma
Ethical theoretical foundations
Relevant legal and professional policies
Interprofessional care
Nursing care strategies

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