Author Archive: Mary courtney

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Design & Implementation of Health Care Initiatives

| February 26, 2019

Case study 1, Quality teams approach to discharge planning What is the value of an action plan and managing clinical symptoms? How can medical record reminders promote patient-centered care delivery? Identify tools that are useful in implementing quality improvement projects. Which of the tools are most useful when developing and implementing projects? Get a 10 […]

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Quality Plans of Healthcare Organizations

| February 26, 2019

Some healthcare organizations post their quality plan on the web, search the internet for quality plans from two different types of healthcare organizations (e.g., hospital, health plan, long-term care facility, ambulatory clinic). You may need to use search terms other than quality management plan, such as performance improvement plan, quality plan, or patient safety plan. […]

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Cirrhosis of the Liver

| February 26, 2019

Cirrhosis of the liver is a common disorder that can severely impact patients’ lives. It is important to consider the many potential causes of cirrhosis and monitor patients that are likely candidates for the disorder. This allows the opportunity for prevention or, in some cases, early intervention. Patient education on prevention is critical because cirrhosis […]

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What The Workplace Means To You

| February 26, 2019

Every workplace environment is different. As an I/O psychologist, you may find yourself working in various environments, whether as an external consultant in a large corporation, in a human resources department for a corporation, or conducting research on employee attitudes and behaviors as they relate to organizational performance for an international insurance organization. The workplace […]

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Job Attitudes

| February 26, 2019

Both employers and employees prize positive job attitudes. In fact, one theorist described the link between employee attitudes and job performance as the “Holy Grail” of organizational psychology (Landy, 1989). Research indicates that certain critical interpersonal and organizational factors influence employee attitudes (Heavey, Halliday, Gilbert, & Murphy, 2011; Kidwell & Valentine, 2009). Although that which […]

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Organizational Development Consultant

| February 26, 2019

Organizational development (OD) is the practice of helping organizations solve problems and reach their goals. As an OD practitioner in the role of consultant, you collaborate and communicate with organizational teams, departments, and committees to identify issues, plan strategies for change, and enhance organizational performance. Consider what you already know about consulting for organizational change. […]

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Political and Moral Philosophy

| February 26, 2019

A four page double spaced paper on philosopher  John Stuart Mill essay “On liberty compare it to the movie “black mirror” on Netflix. It has to be argumentative.  the thesis has to be clear & in the introduction. argue the similarities & differences. the reference should be “classics of political and moral philosophy” 2nd edition […]

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Ethical and Moral Decisions

| February 26, 2019

Using the GCU Online Library and the Internet, research three sources and write a 750-1,500-word essay on the topic provided below. Topic: There are many ethical and moral decisions to be made when drugs are available in a health care facility. As a department manager, develop a set of procedures and protocols regarding the handling, […]

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Venipuncture, Drug Administration, and IV Medication

| February 26, 2019

short (50-100-word) responses to the topics given below.  clearly address each question in a Microsoft Word document electronically to the instructor. Identify the regulations concerning venipuncture, drug administration, and IV medication and how these standards in your field. Explain the repercussions that could arise from violating these standards. What are the responsibilities of a person […]

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Nurse Client Relationships

| February 26, 2019

Newman pointed out that, “nurse client relationships often begin during periods of disruption, uncertainty, and unpredictability in patient’s lives” (Smith & Parker, 2015, p. 288). Explore what she means by this statement. Then, reflect on a patient that you cared for that you could apply her theory to. Provide details of the interaction and outcomes. […]

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