Author Archive: Mary courtney

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Continuous Quality Improvement

| February 19, 2019

Continuous quality improvement (CQI) is the responsibility of all nurses and is vital when addressing the challenges of the health care industry. Provide an example of how you would apply CQI in your current or past position Get a 10 % discount on an order above $ 100 Use the following coupon code : NRSCODE […]

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Health Care Organization

| February 19, 2019

Research a health care organization or a network that spans several states within the U.S. (Example: United Healthcare, Vanguard, Banner   Healthcare, etc.). Harvard Business Review Online and Hoover’s Company Records, found   in the GCU Library, are useful sources. You may also find pertinent   information on your organization’s webpage. Review “Singapore Airlines Case Study.” Prepare a […]

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vulnerable populations

| February 19, 2019

As you discovered in this week’s lectures and textbook readings, numerous vulnerable populations exist in the community. Identify three local organizations in your community that deliver healthcare services to vulnerable populations. Based on your research findings, answer the following: Which population does each organization serve? What services does it provide? Where does it get its […]

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Vaccine Controversies

| February 19, 2019

Vaccine controversies have occurred since almost 80 years before the terms vaccine and vaccination were introduced, and continue to this day. Despite scientific consensus that recommended vaccines are safe and effective, unsubstantiated scares regarding their safety still occur, resulting in outbreaks and deaths from vaccine-preventable diseases. Please provide your input regarding this subject. Get a 10 % discount on an order above $ 100 Use the following […]

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Communication And Conflict Resolution

| February 19, 2019

Explains methods to establish ground rules and set expectations for inter professional team collaboration and describes situations where each would be beneficial Describes evidence based conflict resolution strategies for interprofessional teams and identifies situations where each would be beneficial Analyzes best practices for interprofessional team collaboration Analyzes the benefits and limitations of different forms of […]

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Relationship Between Theory and Nursing Practice

| February 19, 2019

Discussion Question: Think about your unique nursing practice specialty area and the population you serve. Is there a clear connection to practice and theory in your specific nursing specialty area? In this discussion post, you will describe the relationship between theory and nursing practice and how you could implement theory into nursing practice. Describe why nursing […]

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Managed Care Plans

| February 19, 2019

As a current or aspiring healthcare manager, why do you feel you might need to understand managed care plans. Must be 200 words. Get a 10 % discount on an order above $ 100 Use the following coupon code : NRSCODE Order Now

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Professional Identity And Stewardship

| February 19, 2019

Interview a fellow peer in your class who works in a different health discipline than you. Begin your interview with the following questions: (My partner works in home care setting) What is your role as a health  care team member? How do you define professionalism and how does professional responsibility influence your      work? Do you […]

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Sexual Health Clinic

| February 19, 2019

Isabella, a student nurse, has just started to work in a sexual health clinic part-time where there are a large number of clients who have genital herpes. The clients, both male and female range in age from 16 to 39 years, have varying levels of education and backgrounds. a.What features of sexually transmitted diseases would […]

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Child Abuse and Maltreatment

| February 19, 2019

Child abuse and maltreatment is not limited to a particular age and can occur in the infant, toddler, preschool, and school-age years. Choose one of the four age groups (infant, toddler, preschool, or school age) and discuss the types of abuse that are most often seen in this age. Discuss warning signs and physical and […]

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