Author Archive: Mary courtney

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Thesis Statements

| February 20, 2019

1) According to Walker, most crime control ideas rest on faith rather than facts, including false assumptions about crime and how the CJ system works. Present a detailed discussion about this. Make sure you provide examples and highlight how ideological assumptions about how the CJ system works differ from reality. 2) Walker illustrates the disconnect […]

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Falsification and the Falsificationist Methodology

| February 20, 2019

This essay shall be about the ideas of Karl Poppers falsification and the falsificationist methodology. APA formatting only. Atleast 5 academic resources should be used. 1500-2000 words required. Get a 10 % discount on an order above $ 100 Use the following coupon code : NRSCODE Order Now

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The Evolution of a Technical Solution

| February 20, 2019

Consider how technology has evolved in your life. These changes may impact how we can work to find solutions for the global threats discussed so far. If we could remove the current boundaries of technology and look into the future, how would you use technology to resolve one of these global threats? Get a 10 […]

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Public Relations

| February 20, 2019

One issue with which PR practitioners are charged is changing ideas that have been embedded for years; therefore, change may be difficult to implement. As the leader of your Communications Division at RIDOT, the director has asked you to come up with a campaign to get people to refer to South County by its “real […]

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Ethical Dilemma In Child Placement Scenario

| February 20, 2019

The responsibilities of human services workers extend beyond providing direct care to clients to solve interpersonal problems, improve their access to basic needs, and offer support during difficult times in their lives. Human services workers also have to consider the ethical, legal, and moral implications of their decisions in their everyday work. In this assignment, […]

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Social Identity Theory

| February 20, 2019

How relevant is social identity theory as an explanation for inter group behavior? Justify your answer with a detailed critical assessment of current research. Starter paper: Tajfel, H., Billig, M. G., Bundy, R. P., & Flament, C. (1971). Social categorization and intergroup behaviour. European Journal of Social Psychology, 1(2), 149-178. Get a 10 % discount […]

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Development And Literacy

| February 20, 2019

Select and complete one of the following assignment options to explain the formative influence of mass media on American culture. Option A Write a 350- to 700-word summary in which you answer the following questions: What were the major developments in the evolution of mass media during the last century? How did each development influence American […]

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Null Hypothesis and the Research Hypothesis

| February 20, 2019

Write a 2 page response that presents the research hypothesis below and why it is important to you. Include the null hypothesis and the research hypothesis included below. Mention Type I & Type II errors. Include your prospective population and sample. Include validity and reliability concerns. Include in your references: Salkind, N. J. (2016). Statistics […]

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Threats To The Global Environment

| February 20, 2019

Congratulations! The United Nations has hired you as a consultant on global issues. Many of the UN members are not satisfied with the progress of the Millennium Development Goals. They feel that the goals focus on the wrong issues. There is a disconnect between what issues the UN developed countries believe are priorities and what […]

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Group Experience

| February 20, 2019

Analyze what you discovered about yourself while observing a counseling or support group. Please focus on the following when developing your response: Evaluation of group processes: Identify the type of group. Discuss to what extent you were able to assess group organization and goals. Application of ethics: Was confidentiality discussed or reiterated at the onset […]

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