Writing Analysis And Development Plan
In this cumulative assignment, you will reflect on how your writing skills have improved throughout this course, as well as where you still have room for growth, and create a plan of action for the remainder of your graduate school experience. Review the required readings for this week, along with the feedback you received on […]
Qualitative Research
Process: You will participate as a guest at an interest group meeting in your community to gather data for a qualitative research paper. Once you have located an interest group, contact stakeholders, and explain the purpose of your inquiry. After you receive permission to participate, you will schedule a date to attend the meeting; at […]
Civil Service Reform
Part 1-(100 word max) Explain the complexities of historic public personnel management (government by gentlemen to current). Think of an organization you are employed with or are a part of. How is diversity defined in your organization? Give examples of how diversity recruiting programs work. How is your organization using such recruiting tools? (Part 2) […]
Mental Illness
Determine why studies indicate there is a higher level of mental illness in female offenders, including what factors are most significant in the higher rates of mental illness. Describe treatment plans that exist for a female offender that may be uniquely suited to the female incarceration experience. Discuss how a psychologist or other mental health […]
Working of a Brain
Discuss the working of brain as it get older 750 words Get a 10 % discount on an order above $ 100 Use the following coupon code : NRSCODE Order Now
Advertising Claims
In this assignment, look for and provide two advertisements that you think contain logical fallacies. Use any advertisement that you can find in magazines, on television, or from the Internet for this assignment. Your two examples must represent two of the following logical fallacies: Appeal to Popularity False Cause Appeal to Ignorance Hasty Generalization Limited […]
Select a popular media summary of a scientific psychology study. Links to media summaries are attached below. Compare the popular summary to the findings in the original study and summarize your findings in a critique. Points you may wish to consider include: * success at simplifying the original research questions & hypotheses for general audiences * […]
Teen Dating Violence
Peruse SAMHSA’s National Registry of Evidence-Based Programs and Practices, linked in Resources, for two prevention or early intervention-oriented programs related to your course project topic (problem or issue). If you cannot find programs related to your topic, choose a different topic just for this discussion. Compare and contrast the two programs you have reviewed in […]
Ethical, Social, And Legal Implications Of Disclosure
In your initial post, explain how the APA Ethical Principles and Code of Conduct can be used to guide decisions in this ethically complex situation. Provide a suggested course of action for the clinic staff. Given the daughter’s age and the situation presented, integrate concepts developed from different psychological content domains to support your suggested […]
Popular Press Vs. Research Paper
The purpose of this paper is to compare relationship advice that appears in a popular source (e.g., a Buzzfeed article, blog post, or a popular magazine like Cosmopolitan or Men’s Health) with actual research (3 peer-reviewed sources minimum) on the same topic. Your job will be to determine the accuracy of the popular source as […]