Author Archive: Ken

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Cancer: its Risk Factors, Treatments and Diagnosis

| July 3, 2018

Cancer is a disease in which irregular cells multiply uncontrollably and inhabit the surrounding tissues. These cells can metastasize to different parts of the body via bodily fluids such as the lymphatic system (NHS, 2014). Cancers are categorised based on the organ or cell from where they arose. As an example, cancer that develops in the […]

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Barriers to Asthma Management

| July 3, 2018

Asthma Asthma, the most common chronic illness of childhood, is an inflammatory disease characterized by hyper responsiveness of the airways to stimuli and reversible airway obstruction (Janson, 1998). According to the American Lung Association (ALA) it affects between 6.7 and 9.6 million U.S. children under the age of 18, American Lung Association (ALA) (as cited […]

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Autonomy, Capacity and Dignified Death

| July 3, 2018

Summary: The Council of Europe protects the right of people in terminal phase or dying, to self-determination. But only if the patient is competent, you can make independent decisions about their health. The capacity will be assessed by doctors to consider as valid informed consent. The doctor-patient relationship, nowadays, follows the clinical method “focused on the […]

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Change Management Plan: reducing medication errors by building a dual medication error reporting system with a ‘no fault, no blame’ culture

| July 3, 2018

Introduction Medication errors in hospitals are found to be the most common health-threatening mistakes made in Australia (Victoria Quality Council, n.d.). Adverse events caused by medication errors can affect patient care, leading to increased mortality rates, lengthy hospital stays and higher health costs (Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality, 2012). Although it is absolutely impossible […]

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Analysis of the Affordable Healthcare Act

| July 3, 2018

Introduction The Obamacare or the Affordable Care Act, officially called The Patient Protection (PPACA) is a United States law approved by President Barack Obama on March 23rd; President Barack Obama established 2010.PPACA with the aims of expanding quality and sustainability of wellbeing protections. Its focus was on giving social insurance protections to individuals who cannot […]

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Aetiology of Parkinson’s disease

| July 3, 2018

Parkinson’s disease is the second most common neurodegenerative disease, after Alzheimer’s. Onset typically occurs late in life, affecting approximately 1% of 65 year olds, with the prevalence increasing to 4-5% by age 85 (Dawson & Dawson 2003). There are also rare cases of early-onset Parkinson’s, which are usually familial. Research into the gene mutations discovered […]

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