Author Archive: Ken

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Strategies to Develop Health Literacy

| July 3, 2018

Strategies to Develop Health Literacy Many citizens have problem in understanding the information about issues related to health. About 9 /10 persons have some problems with awareness related to health. Health literacy is the aptitude to acquire the health information anyone require and to be aware of it. It is also relating to the information […]

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Right and Wrong Ways to Diet

| July 3, 2018

Right and Wrong Ways to Diet Abstract In this study, the wrong way to diet – The consequences of that and right way to diet and exercise is discussed. The Paleo diet with high in protein and low carbohydrates are becoming popular in American restaurants such as HG SPLY Co. that is Dallas, and Hu […]

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Review of Maintaining Reproductive Health

| July 3, 2018

Review of Maintaining Reproductive Health Researchers almost nerve conduct a study in an intellectual vacuum. Literature reviews can serve a number of important functions in the research process. Researchers undertake a literature review to familiarize themselves with the knowledge base. A thorough literature review helps to lay the foundation for a study, and can inspires […]

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Reflection on Task Management in Nursing

| July 3, 2018

Reflection on Task Management in Nursing Description: what happened? Whilst working on a medical ward with a senior staff nurse as a mentor, I identified certain competencies which needed achieving around management of care, and negotiated these with the mentor. Accordingly, the mentor suggested that I take charge of the patient workload we had been […]

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Reflection on Pregnancy and Childbirth

| July 3, 2018

Reflection on Pregnancy and Childbirth Explain Why the Critical Factors Influencing the Course of Pregnancy Including Several Dimensions such as Social, Biological and Psychological Factors (pre-birth) The period in the uterus before conception is a standout amongst the most pivotal stages in an individual life’s compass. Throughout the normal 280 day period, organic establishments are […]

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Reflection on Communication in Intensive Care Setting

| July 3, 2018

Reflection on Communication in Intensive Care Setting My identified learning need is enhancing my ability to communicate articulately and assertively with the multidisciplinary team (MDT) members, as I portrayed lack of assertiveness and competences in communicating with other healthcare professionals on my previous clinical practice experience. Hence, it is essential to improve this identified aspect […]

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Radiographic Modalities in Detecting Suspected Child Abuse

| July 3, 2018

Radiographic Modalities in Detecting Suspected Child Abuse The actions individuals take against a child in order to inflict emotional or physical harm are, unfortunately, limited only by the imagination. Child abuse has been formally defined as the shaking, punching, battering, hitting, poisoning, scalding or burning, suffocating or drowning a child and/or otherwise participating in actions […]

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Smoking as a Public Health Issue

| July 3, 2018

Public Health Issue: Smoking Enhancing Health and Wellbeing across Populations: Introduction: The purpose of this essay is to identify a public health issue related in my field. To facilitate the discussion smoking as a public health issue has been chosen. The holistic impact smoking have on the wellbeing of an individual will be explored. The […]

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Public Health Challenges and Achievements

| July 3, 2018

Public Health Challenges & Achievements The most important function of public health associations is encouraged to improve, guard and encourage the health of all individuals, regardless of their life conditions. This study will contribute to information about the position of national public health relations in policy encouragement/influence, illustrating on their support activities and achievements, the […]

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Protein Requirements and Nutrition

| July 3, 2018

Protein Requirements and Nutrition For every physical activity, the body requires energy and the amount depends on the duration and type of activity. Energy is measured in Calories and is obtained from the body stores or the food we eat. Glycogen is the main source of fuel used by the muscles to enable you to […]

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