Author Archive: Ken
Experiences of Paediatric Cancer Survivors
Exploring the experiences of paediatric cancer survivors in Karachi, Pakistan. Methodology Qualitative methods are utilized to generate knowledge about a new area of interest. Qualitative research methods are mostly descriptive in nature to bring out the subjective meaning of behaviors and attitudes (Polit & Beck, 2008). As there is no documented evidence for the issues […]
How to Write a Nursing Essay
Getting Started – The Planning Phase The key to success when writing a nursing essay is the detail applied when planning the piece. It is essential to create a clear and robust essay structure, taking into account all of the learning outcomes expected of the finished piece. As well as understanding the essay title it […]
Evidence-based Practice in Wound Cleansing
This essay defines the concept of evidence-based practice and discusses the importance of evidence-based practice for professional practice. The essay also selects an aspect of practice that is relevant to adult nursing, namely the use of water vs. saline for wound cleansing, provides a rationale for choosing that aspect within the context of evidence based […]
Effectiveness of Oxygen Therapy for Cardiac Problems
Oxygen therapy is the administration of oxygen at a higher concentration than that of ambient air. The main intention of this process is to either treat or prevent the symptoms and manifestations of hypoxia. Oxygen therapy decreases the work of breathing by increasing alveolar oxygen tension. As an essential part of clinical practice, oxygen therapy […]
Cultural Differences in Midwifery Care
The provision of holistic midwifery care is a fundamental role of the midwife (NMC, 2004). However, holistic care must encompass a wide range of practices, including care for the psychosocial and spiritual needs of the women and families within their caseload. One concept which arises within the general healthcare debate and within professional midwifery practice […]
Challenges and Opportunities for Evidence Based Practice
In recent years Evidence-based practice (EBP) has been advocating in nursing profession, however until now there still encounter many difficulties, conflict impact on evidence-based practice development. In this essay will be discussed the challenges and opportunities of future direction of evidence-based practice in nursing. EBP is a decision making approach introduction in 1992. Sackett et […]
Workplace Health Safety Guidelines
Workplace Health & Safety (WHS) Guidelines Workplace Health Safety Guidelines: To provide effective patient care at a high standard it is necessary to use a clinical and systematic approach. The primary and secondary surveys are the centre of patient assessment. Primary assessment is a systematic approach to identifying critical and life threatening conditions and treating […]
Tetracycline: History, Properties and Uses Discovery and development of antibiotics-tetracycline Introduction An antibiotic is a single or a group of substances normally obtained from micro-organisms that block the development of a certain different micro-organisms or even destroy them. They are obtained from extraordinary microorganisms or other living frameworks, and are delivered by a modern method […]
Suicide and Mental Health
Suicide and Mental Health Mental Health: According to a recent WHO report, about 450 million people are affected by mental, neurological and behavioral problems in their lives and among these 873,000 people die of suicide every year with mental illnesses common to all countries and people with mental disorders usually suffer from social isolation, poor […]
Subjective Health Assessment
Subjective Health Assessment Despite the importance of an individual’s perspective of their health and wellbeing, individuals are extremely influenced by the extent to which their treatment outcomes meet their expectations (O’hagan et al., 2014). This is why it is important for nurses to incorporate the individual’s perspective into the interventions; to accomplish this nurses need […]