Author Archive: freelance

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Nursing Practices of Alternative Medicine

| June 28, 2018

Mental Health: Integrative Care Integrative care encompasses the nursing practices of alternative medicine. This includes acupuncture, aromatherapy, guided imagery, and many more types of therapies. These therapies are usually centred on the individual patient, and holistically address their variety of needs, including physical, mental, and spiritual foci (Halter, 2014, p 637). We will address nonconventional […]

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Nursing Care Plan for Asthma Management

| June 28, 2018

Implement and monitor using nursing care for clients with chronic health problems PART A Asthma is a chronic disease of the airways. Asthma causes the muscles in the airways to tighten and the lining of the airway becomes swollen and inflamed, producing sticky mucous. These changes cause the airways to become narrow, making it difficult […]

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Models of Health for Obesity Intervention

| June 28, 2018

Introduction Public health has been a topic of government debates. It is an increasing issue that is provoking a lot of publicity. Strategies are being implemented as well as policies in order to tackle the ever increasing problem of obesity which is clearly a public health issue. A case study from the Nuffield Council on […]

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Mental Health Well-being of Dementia Carers

| June 28, 2018

Introduction Research is undertaken and applied across many different professions and disciplines, as it offers a basis for increasing knowledge, informed decision making and action (Minichiello, Sullivan, Greenwood & Axford, 2004; DePoy & Gitlin, 2011). Within the nursing profession research is the link between theory and practice and has influenced many changes to the way […]

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Influenza Vaccination for Pregnant Health Care Workers

| June 28, 2018

Introduction A certain pregnant nurse was fired because of refusing to get a flu shot in Pennsylvania in December, 2013 (Murphy, 2013). Getting a flu shot is the one of the biggest issues for health care professionals who are especially pregnant health care workers. However, vaccination still remains the most effective way for preventing severe […]

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Incivility in Nursing: Causes and Intervention Strategies

| June 28, 2018

Definition of incivility Incivility is defined as an uncivil behaviour towards a person whether physical or verbal. Incivility is often seen in different environment and venue such as inside the classroom, clinical setting, community, and workplace. Incivility is always a major issue that affects the relationship between a student and a teacher. According to Clark […]

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Importance of Expanding Knowledge throughout Nursing Career

| June 28, 2018

Professional development Continuing Professional development is where health care professionals maintain and develop a range of learning activities throughout their career to ensure competency and ability to practice safely, effectively and legally within their field of practice (Health and Care Professions Council 2014a). This essay will discuss a range of ethical, cultural, legal, managerial topics […]

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Impact of Bad Communication on the Patient

| June 28, 2018

Inpatient’s outcomes and the impact of appropriate consultation carried out by an aesthetic nurse. Introduction Aesthetics is one of the fastest growing specialties of medical practice. Aesthetic nurses play a significant role in delivering aesthetic non-surgical treatments. They administer around 70 per cent of all non-surgical treatment. They typically work in a range of roles […]

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Hypertension: Signs, Risk Factors, Treatments

| June 28, 2018

Introduction In his article, “Hypertension Guide May Affect 7.4 Million”, Gina Kolata observes that approximately two-thirds of American aged above 60 years are likely to server from hypertension. This is supported by the fact that; there are so many people who are admitted to various hospitals suffering from hypertension. Some people have also been admitted […]

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Health Issues of Homeless Population

| June 28, 2018

Introduction A person is contemplated homeless if there is no roof over his head to live. The statistics, which prevail only, relate to masses that are counted as homeless and meet the requirements for local government aid. The quota of households proclaimed in need of urgent housing in United Kingdom increased by about 25% over […]

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