Author Archive: freelance

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The Roles of Nurse Informaticists

| June 28, 2018

Just as the Internet and other technological innovations have radically changed the world, the constant evolution of informatics continues to transform nursing and health care.  The nurse is at the forefront of this transformation, serving as a knowledgeable leader in system development, implementation, and management. As new technologies become integrated into health care settings, the […]

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SWOT Analysis of Patient Services in a Hospital

| June 28, 2018

SWOT ANALYSIS PATIENT AFFAIRS OFFICE/ CUSTOMER SERVICES: Patient affairs office provides service to patients. Its job is to assist customers regarding anything they need to make sure that they are satisfied with the service they are provided. The staff of customer services in a hospital should be polite and friendly to the patients and must […]

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Rises in Rates of Caesarean Section Births

| June 28, 2018

In recent history, advancements in medical technology have resulted in an increase in labour and birth interventions. This has in turn, greatly increased caesarean section rates. Birth was once a natural, normal event in a woman’s life, however this has been replaced by a maternity system where intervention is routine and interferes with the normal […]

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Responsibility of Health Promotion in Nursing

| June 28, 2018

Health promotion as defined by World Health Organization is “a health strategy that aims to incorporate skills and community development and to create supportive environment for health, endeavours to build healthy public policy and looks at re-orienting health services. (WHO, 1986). Health promotion is strongly rooted in a social philosophy that attributed the etiology of […]

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Research on Art Therapy Treatment for Schizophrenia

| June 28, 2018

INTRODUCTION Schizophrenia is a common psychiatric disorder. One to one point five percent of the total population suffers from schizophrenia. The severity of the symptoms and chronic patterns of schizophrenia often causes a high degree of disability. Most of those affected by schizophrenia respond to drug therapy and many are able to lead productive and […]

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Relationship between Health and Education

| June 28, 2018

Health Care Where People Live and Work The World Health Organisation (WHO) originally proposed a definition for health literacy that was later adapted by Nutbeam (1998) as ‘the cognitive and social skills which determine the motivation and ability of individuals to gain access to, understand and use information in ways which promote and maintain good […]

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Reflecting on Needs in Nursing and Healthcare

| June 28, 2018

The aim of this essay is to critically reflect on one academic and one practical learning need. This essay will reflect in relation with my professional development as a health care practitioner based on the identified needs. John’s (1995) model of reflection will be used as an aid to reflect on this assignment. The Nursing […]

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Promoting Diversity and Inclusion in Health and Social Care

| June 28, 2018

Outcome 1 – Understand the importance of diversity, equality and inclusion 1:1 Explain what is meant by: Diversity – the word diversity means a different and varied. In the United Kingdom you will find people are different and varied in lots of ways. For example, people who have originated from many different countries, people from different ethnic […]

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Prioritization in Nursing

| June 28, 2018

Prioritization is a vital skill in nursing profession. Management of patient loading depends on the sharpness of patients and relies on primacy environment. Brown & Edwards said breathing, airway and circulation are very important to sustain life; each is precondition of the other and in that array. The work of ABC’s in a gush; if […]

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Post-Operative Care After Gall Stone Removal

| June 28, 2018

Patients who are undergoing operative procedures are required the delivery of ongoing care to optimize their recovery and prevent complications. This delivery of care will enable early identification of circumstances surrounding surgery that may put patients at risk of harm. Mr Whakanna is a 36 year old Polynesian male who has just returned to the […]

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