Author Archive: freelance

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Comparing Language Development Theories

| September 4, 2018

Nineteen fifty-seven was a watershed year in linguistics. Both B. F. Skinner’s Verbal Behavior and Noam Chomsky’s Syntactic Structures were published that year. These books, written by the respective pioneers of the behaviorist and linguistic approaches, placed the source of language development at opposing ends of the spectrum and have provided decades of academic debate. […]

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 PSY 668 Psychotropic drugs discussion

| September 4, 2018

PSY 668 Discussion Assignment 2 Instructions: Elaborate a discussion paper by answering the questions below. The discussion paper must be 400 words or more / Times New Roman, 10 pts / *double-spaced not necessary for non-essay questions* Discuss the pros and cons of psychotropic drugs. What research evidence supports each position? Get a 10 % […]

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Serial Killer Identification

| September 4, 2018

The special project must be 5-pages or more – EXCLUDING the title page, abstract, and reference pages/ APA Format – Times New Roman, 12 pts & Double-Spaced The paper should also include a title page and references. You must cite every fact that you write using the proper APA style/format. There are three case studies […]

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ONLY For One Touch! Psych Critical Evaluation Paper

| September 4, 2018

Please see attached for Assessment Guide/Requirement + Readings + Marking Rubik. Here are the links to the 4 papers that needs critical evaluation: Get a 10 % discount on an order above $ 100 Use the following coupon code : NRSCODE Order Now

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Discussion 1: Policy Development

| September 4, 2018

Often, policymakers develop policies in response to a recent societal problem or event. Whereas some societal problems, such as homelessness, unemployment, and poverty, require long-term policy development and refinement, society sometimes demands immediate policy implementation in response to events or problems that proved dangerous for society at large. For example, the U.S. terrorist attacks on […]

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Wendy Lewis 1

| September 4, 2018

The current DSM(5) supports a dimensional approach to abnormality, whereas the previous DSM(IV-TR) supported a categorical approach. Some psychologists have suggested that a dimensional model (where behavior exists on a continuum and “abnormal” is simply an extreme form of normal behavior) may be more accurate. Do you support the categorical or the dimensional approach? Which […]

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Wendy Lewis 2-autism spectrum and attention deficit hyperactivity disorder

| September 4, 2018

Choose between autism spectrum disorder (ASD) and attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) and discuss the proposed causes, symptoms, and treatment. Use in-text citations in complete 6th edition APA format. Get a 10 % discount on an order above $ 100 Use the following coupon code : NRSCODE Order Now

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Ideological Perspectives Of Population-Specific Policy

| September 4, 2018

Social workers often are very aware of and informed about the needs of the specific populations with which they work. As a result, it is important that social workers get involved in the policy-creation process by sharing their experiences and perspectives with others, including policymakers. For this Discussion, select a population of particular interest to […]

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Classifications Of Life-Span Development

| September 4, 2018

When did you become an adult? Was it the day you graduated from high school? Or, was it the day you moved out of your parents’ or caregivers’ home? Your description of what it means to be an adult and how and when an adolescent transitions into adulthood may differ from that of your colleagues. […]

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Middle Adulthood Health, Demography, And Social Work Practice

| September 4, 2018

A health crisis can occur at any phase in an individual’s lifespan. General health concerns, however, tend to increase with age. As a social worker, your awareness of the biological aspects of middle adulthood will inform your work with clients in this life-span phase. In this Assignment, you address the health concerns that clients may […]

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